Venture responds to ‘Protect Duty’ security proposals

The UK government recently released its ‘Protect Duty’ consultation findings, with a majority of respondents supporting tougher security measures being introduced to ensure preparedness for and protection from terrorist attacks.

The consultation came in the wake of the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing, which saw 22 people lose their lives as they left an Ariana Grande concert. It has been championed by victims’ groups, including the Martyn’s Law campaign, which was established by Figen Murray following the tragic loss of her son Martyn in the Manchester Arena terrorist attack.


Why was the Protect Duty consultation launched?

There is currently no legislative requirement for organisations or venues to consider or employ security measures at the vast majority of public places and public venues.

The Protect Duty consultation sought views from public and private sector partners on a requirement for certain publicly accessible locations to implement security measures that would promote public safety, without placing undue burden on smaller businesses, venues and organisations. It also addresses what level of support may be needed from the government.

The Home Office is keen to make it a legislative requirement for event organisers to put in place security measures that would help protect the public from the terrorist threat.

Commenting on the consultation findings on the website, Home Secretary Priti Patel, explains: “We will never allow terrorists to restrict our freedoms and way of life, which is why we are committed to bringing forward legislation this year, that will strike the right balance between public safety, whilst not placing excessive burden on small businesses.”


Venture Security’s response to the proposed Protect Duty legislation

Venture Security is a leading provider of event security in central southern England and has managed security for many of the area’s most high-profile events and venues, including Stonehenge, the London Marathon, Armed Forces Day – National Event, House Festival and Salisbury Racecourse.

Venture’s event security consultancy services cover every aspect of the event process, from operational, tactical and strategic planning to crowd management, staffing, compliance and risk management for terrorist threats.

Commenting on the Protect Duty proposals, Duncan Robertson, Senior Security Consultant at Venture Security, said:

“A legislative requirement to take measures to protect the public when in Publicly Accessible Locations (PAL) is both vital and a long time coming. But any such measures need to follow a consistent approach and to be appropriate for an event’s size, profile and location.

“The preparedness and integrity of security operators and their staff is also key, with some concerns already being raised about the number of individuals who are currently available to provide specialist advice and support in this area.

“There is no ‘one size fits all’ and counter terrorism controls need to arise from a structured risk assessment process and be documented in a tangible and transparent way, such as a risk register.”

Duncan continued: “Funding is another crucial point. There is talk of adding a small amount on a sliding scale, say 50p or a £1, on every ticket purchase to create ring fenced funding for such an initiative. While I personally believe this is an excellent idea, it is likely to get significant kickback from various corners.

“Added to that is the issue that a majority of public spaces, such as town centres and parks, clearly do not require payment for admission.”

He concluded: “These are just a few of the issues associated with what is ultimately a large and complex subject. No doubt there will be teething problems along the way but it’s great to see we are moving in the right direction.

“As whether you’re attending an event, or out shopping with your family, the general public should be confident that the owners of these locations have done as much as is reasonably practicable to make those spaces safe.”


About Venture Security

Venture Security is ranked in the top 1% of UK security providers. For more than 15 years, Venture’s award-wining team has been providing a range of commercial, residential and event security services for customers based across central southern England, including local authorities, events organisers, manufacturers, professional services firms and tourist attractions. For more information, call us on 01264 391 538 or email [email protected]