What our Customers Say

As a people-centric organisation, we are committed to building strong and lasting relationships with our customers.

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The Henry Beaufort School, Winchester

“Thank you for another fantastic year, your team have been truly brilliant and has reduced my stress levels down to zero!”

Executive Director, Salisbury Racecourse

“I just wanted to email you and say how impressed I am with how your staff reacted to two incidents on Saturday night. [The Ops Manager] briefed me on the matter in the Sarum Enclosure, during the running of the last race, when a male attempted to jump over the fence by the track, but was restrained by your staff and prevented from doing so. The other incident, being the violent exchange on the front lawn after racing. I did witness some of this. It was a particularly nasty encounter, seemingly starting without any warning. It was thankfully brief, as your staff were very quickly on the scene, attending from all directions. They did their jobs extremely well. The disorder will have been alarming for other customers to have witnessed, but the actions of your SIA stewards without doubt, prevented it from being much worse and prolonged. Well done to you and your team.”

Wiltshire Council

“I just wanted to feed back from the PCC elections and Venture's involvement. The feedback has been so very positive from all concerned. Everyone was so impressed and delighted on how professional, approachable, friendly, and flexible the officers were. Comments were also passed on how smart they looked 😊 ”

Winchester Cathedral

“I just wanted to pass on my thanks for the excellent service provided by your team this week to support the diversionary pedestrian route during the installation of scaffolding. Static duties are invariably unglamorous and tedious, but Justin, Debs and Becks were professional, cheerful and very helpful to the public throughout. Their familiarity with the cathedral estate was particularly useful and it was also good to see the BID Rangers calling by today. I know that the public appreciated their assistance and we certainly could not have managed this complex operation without their vital support.”

Test Valley Borough Council

“Thank you to you and your teams support over the last year, you have been amazing. ”

Wiltshire Council

“My goodness, mobilisation of this contract has had its challenges, but you, your colleagues and patrol officers have been absolute treasures to work with! ”

Scottish Reeling Ball, Winchester Guildhall

“Thank you very much for supplying two extremely good, friendly and efficient staff for the security of our event on Saturday night at the Guildhall. They were very accommodating and professional. I was told by one that there was a small incident that they dealt with during the evening – none of us had any idea which is how it should be! Please pass on big thanks to them.”

Wellington College, Crowthorne

“Many thanks to you and the Team. Excellent and professional work as usual, very good feedback.”

The Henry Beaufort School, Winchester

“I wanted to take the opportunity to record with you how pleased we are with the work being undertaken by Shane. He is reliable, courteous, and always willing to help out and find solutions. We have all been very impressed with him.”

Winchester Business Improvement District (BID Ranger Scheme)

“We send our thanks as always to you for providing an excellent service to our BID.”

Strukta Group (Andover, Chandlers Ford, Chichester, Portsmouth, Salisbury and Weybridge)

“We didn’t want our employees to risk coming face to face with a dangerous situation when responding to an alarm callout, and Venture offered the perfect solution. As a company they are very professional, reliable and always arrive on site quickly. They are also very proactive and we know help and advice is just a phone call away. I highly recommend them to anyone seeking professional security support.”

Winchester Cathedral

“All absolutely fine with the service and no issues or concerns have been notified to me. My thanks to you and the team for your support and we look forward to the next stage of the contract.”

Aster Group, Andover

“I’ve just received a call from [a colleague]. Her car got locked in the Car Park last night so she phoned Venture Security and they were literally on site in 5 minutes to support her. She wanted to feedback just how amazing they were and how grateful she was for their support. Really nice work Venture!”

Andover Business Improvement District

“I just wanted to say thank you so much for Venture’s help at our event last week. On the day Glen and Jamie were extremely helpful and very responsive when I asked them for any assistance. Thanks once again for helping me work through our Event Manual and plan what was necessary for the day from a Security and Health and Safety perspective. Your professional approach and that of your security guards took this one element off my mind and allowed me to concentrate on the many other aspects of the event in the lead up and on the day itself.”

Godolphin School, Salisbury

“Everyone at Venture is really friendly and easy to work with. They always go the extra mile to meet our needs and are very flexible, which is exactly what we hoped to achieve by outsourcing our security. There is a phrase I think fits perfectly with Venture – they are big enough to cope but small enough to care. There is always someone on the end of the phone and a consistent service, which means we’ve got to know the officers who are working on our site.”

Katherine Ryan, National Trust

“Thanks for all your team’s support... they did an excellent job as ever!”

Event Customer, The Roman Baths

“We received exemplary service from the security men on duty who found us somewhere to sit in the reception area and returned later to escort us to the dining room.”

Member of Public, Winchester City Centre

“Just want to say thank you to [Rangers] Graham and Brett who helped me when my car broke down outside the Chesil Restaurant mini roundabout. They spent 2 hours looking after traffic in the rain while I was awaiting the recovery truck. Amazing guys who went beyond the call of duty.”

Test Valley Borough Council (Chantry Centre), Andover

“Just a very brief note to thank your [Ranger] team yesterday for their additional assistance in the fire evacuation of the Chantry Centre, with their external perimeter patrol and general assistance which I very much appreciated.”

Hampshire County Council (Prince Charles' visit), Winchester

“Please pass on my thanks for the hard work of the Venture Security team at the event today, really professional and customer focused. The Police feedback was that they were very impressed. I know you’ll say its what you do but I wanted to share this with you.”